The Withered Arm (ljudbok) av Thomas Hardy
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Thomas Hardy (författare), Luke Francis (berättare)

The Withered Arm ljudbok

Pris 85 kr
Milkmaid Rhoda Brooks cannot control her jealousy of Gertrude - a beautiful woman who has just married a rich farmer. So when Gertrude appears in her dream, she cannot help but reach out and grab the arm of the woman she wishes she was. As Gertrude's arm begins to wither away in real life and no physician is able to help her, she must turn to a conjurer... Considered one of Hardy's most successful short stories, 'The Withered Arm' is unmissable for those who enjoyed Laura Purcell's ´The...
Ljudbok 85 kr Pris E-Bok 45 kr Pris

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Författare Thomas Hardy (författare), Luke Francis (berättare)
Förlag Saga Egmont
Utgiven 25 Februari 2025
Längd 1:03
Genrer Noveller, Romaner, Skönlitteratur
Språk English
Format mp3
Kopieringsskydd Vattenmärkt
ISBN 9788728531150
Milkmaid Rhoda Brooks cannot control her jealousy of Gertrude - a beautiful woman who has just married a rich farmer. So when Gertrude appears in her dream, she cannot help but reach out and grab the arm of the woman she wishes she was. As Gertrude's arm begins to wither away in real life and no physician is able to help her, she must turn to a conjurer... Considered one of Hardy's most successful short stories, 'The Withered Arm' is unmissable for those who enjoyed Laura Purcell's ´The Silent Companions´. Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), a trade architect, made significant contributions to the literary world through his novels and poetry, Known for his pessimistic outlook, Hardy's notable works include 'Jude The Obscure', 'Far from the Madding Crowd', and 'Tess of the d'Ubervilles'.