The Gods of Mars (ljudbok) av Edgar Rice Burrou
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Edgar Rice Burroughs (författare), J.D. Weber (berättare)

The Gods of Mars ljudbok

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The Gods of Mars is the second of the famous Barsoom series. It was first published in All-Story as a five-part serial in the issues for January-May 1913. It was later published as a complete novel by A. C. McClurg in September, 1918. At the end of the first book, A Princess of Mars, John Carter is unwillingly transported back to Earth. The Gods of Mars begins with his arrival back on Barsoom (Mars) after a ten-year separation from his wife Dejah Thoris, his unborn child, and the Red Martian ...
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Författare Edgar Rice Burroughs (författare), J.D. Weber (berättare)
Förlag Saga Egmont
Utgiven 26 Januari 2015
Längd 7:36
Genrer Science Fiction, Romaner, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Skönlitteratur
Språk English
Format mp3
Kopieringsskydd Vattenmärkt
ISBN 9789176391389
The Gods of Mars is the second of the famous Barsoom series. It was first published in All-Story as a five-part serial in the issues for January-May 1913. It was later published as a complete novel by A. C. McClurg in September, 1918. At the end of the first book, A Princess of Mars, John Carter is unwillingly transported back to Earth. The Gods of Mars begins with his arrival back on Barsoom (Mars) after a ten-year separation from his wife Dejah Thoris, his unborn child, and the Red Martian people of the nation of Helium, whom he has adopted as his own. Unfortunately, Carter materializes in the one place on Barsoom from which nobody is allowed to depart: the Valley Dor, which is the Barsoomian afterlife.