The Beasts of Tarzan (ljudbok) av Edgar Rice Bu
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Edgar Rice Burroughs (författare), James Christopher (berättare)

The Beasts of Tarzan ljudbok

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The Beasts of Tarzan is a novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the third in his series of books about the title character Tarzan. Originally serialized in All-Story Cavalier magazine in 1914, the novel was first published in book form by A. C. McClurg in 1916.
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Författare Edgar Rice Burroughs (författare), James Christopher (berättare)
Förlag Saga Egmont
Utgiven 26 Januari 2015
Längd 5:15
Genrer Romaner, Skönlitteratur
Språk English
Format mp3
Kopieringsskydd Vattenmärkt
ISBN 9789176391372
The Beasts of Tarzan is a novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the third in his series of books about the title character Tarzan. Originally serialized in All-Story Cavalier magazine in 1914, the novel was first published in book form by A. C. McClurg in 1916.