Wuthering Heights (e-bok) av Emily Brontë
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Emily Brontë (författare)

Wuthering Heights e-bok

Pris 95 kr
When Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë came out in the 19th century, the novel was considered to be shocking and lurid, but these days it is seen as a timeless classic that will enchant readers for generations to come. Is the passionate love between Heathcliff and Catherine doomed to bring only tragedy to all?
E-Bok 95 kr Pris Ljudbok 65 kr Pris

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Författare Emily Brontë (författare)
Förlag Oppian
Utgiven 29 Juli 2020
Genrer Romaner, Skönlitteratur
Språk English
Format epub
Kopieringsskydd Vattenmärkt
ISBN 9789518775778
When Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë came out in the 19th century, the novel was considered to be shocking and lurid, but these days it is seen as a timeless classic that will enchant readers for generations to come. Is the passionate love between Heathcliff and Catherine doomed to bring only tragedy to all?