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Walk Your Talk e-bok
255 kr
Teach by example
This book has been written for anyone who wants to lead groups
and stay true to their inner life at the same time. It shows you how
to be both authentic and yet remain professional. You will receive
a wide set of tools that can help you walk your talk, at the same
time as you share your understanding of Nonviolent Communication
- NVC (or other subjects).
What you will get:
• Tools and an understanding of how you can manage your
own leadership.
• Tools and an understanding of...
255 kr
Tools and Theories To Share Nonviolent Communication
Friare Liv
20 Juli 2019
237 sidor
Psykologi Och Pedagogik, Fackböcker
Teach by example
This book has been written for anyone who wants to lead groups
and stay true to their inner life at the same time. It shows you how
to be both authentic and yet remain professional. You will receive
a wide set of tools that can help you walk your talk, at the same
time as you share your understanding of Nonviolent Communication
- NVC (or other subjects).
What you will get:
• Tools and an understanding of how you can manage your
own leadership.
• Tools and an understanding of how you can support the
development of groups.
• Ideas on how you can manage stressful situations and how
you can connect to participants that you experience as challenging.
• Practical exercises on how to transform performance anxiety
and inner demands into resources.
• Concrete suggestions on how to introduce NVC for groups.
• Concrete ways to share different parts of NVC.
• Structures on how you can use roleplays and simulations to
contribute to learning, connection and meaning.
Liv Larsson är tränare i Nonviolent Communication (NVC) certifierad av CNVC. Hon är utbildad bland annat av Marshall Rosenberg, upphovsmannen till NVC och medlar i skolor, familjer och organisationer samt utbildar i medling och konflikthantering.
Sedan 1992 har hon lett utbildningar i NVC, ledarskap, medling och personlig utveckling i Sverige, Europa, Asien och andra delar av världen till skilda grupper som chefer, fredsarbetare, barnhemspersonal, medlare, teatergrupper, läkare, lärare och många fler.
Hon har de senaste åren specialiserat sig på utbildningar i ilska, skuld och skam samt i medling.
Tidigare publicerade böcker är Nonviolent Communication i praktiken, Skapa möten och kontakt genom medling, Led som du lär, samt för barn Lilla Känsloboken och Sagan om Draken som inte kunde spruta eld.
Flera av titlarna är översatta till andra språk.
Hon har också översatt flera av Marshall Rosenbergs böcker till svenska. De ges ut på Friare Liv Konsult som hon startade 1992.