Ulysses (e-bok) av James Joyce
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James Joyce (författare)

Ulysses e-bok

Pris 179 kr
Widely regarded as the greatest novel ever written, Ulysses is a true magnum opus. James Joyce lets his reader follow events in the life of Leopold Bloom and his friends on a singular day, June 16th, 1904. Using streams of consciousness, experimental storytelling and plenty of parodies, puns and puzzles, Joyce takes his novel to the very pinnacle of world literature.
E-Bok 179 kr Pris

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Författare James Joyce (författare)
Förlag Oppian
Utgiven 16 Juli 2021
Genrer Romaner, Skönlitteratur
Språk English
Format epub
Kopieringsskydd Vattenmärkt
ISBN 9789518775327
Widely regarded as the greatest novel ever written, Ulysses is a true magnum opus. James Joyce lets his reader follow events in the life of Leopold Bloom and his friends on a singular day, June 16th, 1904. Using streams of consciousness, experimental storytelling and plenty of parodies, puns and puzzles, Joyce takes his novel to the very pinnacle of world literature.