The Time Machine (e-bok) av H. G. Wells
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The Time Machine e-bok

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In Victorian England, an eccentric scientist unveils his latest invention: a machine capable of travelling through time. Demonstrating its capabilities, the Time Traveller embarks on a journey to the distant future, arriving in the year 802,701. He discovers a seemingly utopian society inhabited by the gentle Eloi, but soon uncovers a dark and terrifying underworld ruled by the sinister Morlocks. As the Time Traveller delves deeper into this bifurcated world, he realises the grim consequences...
E-Bok 65 kr Rea 119 kr Tidigare pris Ljudbok 65 kr Pris

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Författare H. G. Wells (författare)
Förlag Modernista
Utgiven 30 Maj 2024
Genrer Romaner, Skönlitteratur
Språk English
Format epub
Kopieringsskydd Vattenmärkt
ISBN 9789180949316
In Victorian England, an eccentric scientist unveils his latest invention: a machine capable of travelling through time. Demonstrating its capabilities, the Time Traveller embarks on a journey to the distant future, arriving in the year 802,701. He discovers a seemingly utopian society inhabited by the gentle Eloi, but soon uncovers a dark and terrifying underworld ruled by the sinister Morlocks. As the Time Traveller delves deeper into this bifurcated world, he realises the grim consequences of societal decay and the potential fate of humanity. H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine is a pioneering work in the science fiction genre, introducing the concept of time travel and coining the term »time machine«. First published in 1895, it has since become a classic, influencing countless works of fiction and shaping the genre’s development. H. G. WELLS [1866-1946] was a British author and pioneer in the science fiction genre. His works, including The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds, delved into futuristic and societal critique themes. Wells’s visionary portrayals of technology, social structures, and extraterrestrial life made him one of the most influential writers in his field and a precursor to modern science fiction.