The Tale of Little Pig Robinson (e-bok) av Beat
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Beatrix Potter (författare)

The Tale of Little Pig Robinson e-bok

Pris 75 kr
Robinson is a young little pig who goes to the market to run errands for his aunties. A sailor lures Robinson onto a ship that suddenly sets sail. The ship's cook has grim plans for Robinson. Can a kind cat help Robinson escape from captain Butcher and his crew? Will Robinson be able to survive all alone on a small island? Beatrix Potter is best known for creating the beloved Peter Rabbit. The Tale of Little Pig Robinson is her charming take on a classic adventure story.
E-Bok 75 kr Pris Ljudbok 65 kr Pris

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Författare Beatrix Potter (författare)
Förlag Oppian
Utgiven 23 Juni 2022
Genrer 3-6 År, Barnböcker
Språk English
Format epub
Kopieringsskydd Vattenmärkt
ISBN 9789518777857
Robinson is a young little pig who goes to the market to run errands for his aunties. A sailor lures Robinson onto a ship that suddenly sets sail. The ship's cook has grim plans for Robinson. Can a kind cat help Robinson escape from captain Butcher and his crew? Will Robinson be able to survive all alone on a small island? Beatrix Potter is best known for creating the beloved Peter Rabbit. The Tale of Little Pig Robinson is her charming take on a classic adventure story.