The Future of Human Resources (e-bok) av Patrik
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Patrik Reman (författare)

The Future of Human Resources e-bok

Pris 119 kr
HR has always been an essential part of a company's inner workings, but with changing times, HR departments have had to adapt to remain relevant. One of the significant changes in the business landscape that HR has had to respond to is the increasing business orientation. In the past, HR departments primarily focused on employee welfare and benefits, such as payroll and compensation, and they were not involved in the company's strategic planning. However, as businesses become more complex and...
E-Bok 119 kr Pris

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Undertext Current Trends and Challenges
Författare Patrik Reman (författare)
Förlag PRRLG
Utgiven 18 Oktober 2023
Längd 128 sidor
Genrer Ekonomi Och Ledarskap, Fackböcker
Språk English
Format epub
Kopieringsskydd Vattenmärkt
ISBN 9789180596756
HR has always been an essential part of a company's inner workings, but with changing times, HR departments have had to adapt to remain relevant. One of the significant changes in the business landscape that HR has had to respond to is the increasing business orientation. In the past, HR departments primarily focused on employee welfare and benefits, such as payroll and compensation, and they were not involved in the company's strategic planning. However, as businesses become more complex and competitive, HR professionals have had to adopt a more business-oriented approach. They must collaborate with other departments to align their objectives with the company's and develop a comprehensive strategy for achieving them. The text also highlights the historical background of HR departments, which originated during the Industrial Revolution. At that time, factory supervisors ensured workers produced consistent and standardised outcomes. However, in the digital age, technology has taken over the task of generating standardised outputs. This development has necessitated that today's HR departments plan for a future where technology and people collaborate to achieve corporate aims. HR professionals who want to maintain relevance must consider the most effective strategy to expand their workforce while considering their technological and human resource skills. It implies that HR departments need to be able to identify and hire the proper individuals who can collaborate effectively with technology to achieve business goals. In addition, they must offer training programmes to assist employees in acquiring the skills essential to operating with technology. Patrik Reman är en av Sveriges framstående personer inom HR, med en imponerande bakgrund som ledare inom HR, industri, rekrytering och bemanning. Hans insatser och expertis inom HR har inte gått obemärkta. Patrik utnämndes till en av "TOP 250 most influential persons in HR worldwide" både 2020 och 2021. Med ett brinnande intresse för HR-frågor har han författat forskningsstudier om rekrytering och HR:s framtid, som redan har lockat över 35 000 engagerade läsare. Han var också en del av den svenska delegationen som formar internationella ISO-standarder under SIS/TK 562 Human Resource Management under flera år. Patrik har de senaste 10 åren jobbat inom HR på heltid och har firats med nomineringen "Bästa HR-teamet" tre år i rad. Hans ledarskapsförmåga har dessutom uppmärksammats genom ett flertal prestigefyllda nomineringar, bland annat 'Årets chef 2023' av Tidningen Chef, 'Årets chef i Gävle kommun 2022', 'Årets nyskapande chef' av Tidningen Offentliga Affärer, och ' Årets ledare på Framtidsgalan 2023. Med en vision om effektivisering och modernisering, har Patrik revolutionerat HR-processer genom att införliva LEAN-principer, automatisering, AI-drivna lösningar och digital teknik. Under det senaste decenniet har han samarbetat med kommuner, privata företag och statliga institutioner, hjälpt dem att förfinas och förbättras inom rekrytering och HR-processer.