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Needbased Eating e-bok
115 kr
Are you ready?
For a book that can radically change your way of looking at food, weight and health?
How can we make choices that keep us healthy both in body and soul?
Needbased Eating offers you a training program leading to physical and emotional balance. The focus is not to loose or gain weight, but to find ways to become friends with your body and your mind. Following this program builds the foundation for finding a balanced weight. A practical book that provides you with three tools you ...
115 kr
Friare Liv
6 Juli 2018
86 sidor
Familj & Hälsa, Hälsa, Livsstil, Fritid
Are you ready?
For a book that can radically change your way of looking at food, weight and health?
How can we make choices that keep us healthy both in body and soul?
Needbased Eating offers you a training program leading to physical and emotional balance. The focus is not to loose or gain weight, but to find ways to become friends with your body and your mind. Following this program builds the foundation for finding a balanced weight. A practical book that provides you with three tools you can start using today.
In this book you will learn to:
• Enjoy what you choose to eat and know how to
stop eating when you’ve had enough.
• Find ways to break the downward spiral of an out
of control relationship with food
• Listen to and communicate with your body
• Distinguish emotional hunger from physical hunger
Liv Larsson has written 20 books. Since 1992 she has worked with coaching, mediation and as a
workshop leader. Her biggest source of inspiration is Nonviolent Communication (NVC).
Here she challenges our patterns around eating, weight and physical as well as emotional health.
Liv Larsson är tränare i Nonviolent Communication (NVC) certifierad av CNVC. Hon är utbildad bland annat av Marshall Rosenberg, upphovsmannen till NVC och medlar i skolor, familjer och organisationer samt utbildar i medling och konflikthantering.
Sedan 1992 har hon lett utbildningar i NVC, ledarskap, medling och personlig utveckling i Sverige, Europa, Asien och andra delar av världen till skilda grupper som chefer, fredsarbetare, barnhemspersonal, medlare, teatergrupper, läkare, lärare och många fler.
Hon har de senaste åren specialiserat sig på utbildningar i ilska, skuld och skam samt i medling.
Tidigare publicerade böcker är Nonviolent Communication i praktiken, Skapa möten och kontakt genom medling, Led som du lär, samt för barn Lilla Känsloboken och Sagan om Draken som inte kunde spruta eld.
Flera av titlarna är översatta till andra språk.
Hon har också översatt flera av Marshall Rosenbergs böcker till svenska. De ges ut på Friare Liv Konsult som hon startade 1992.