Meet The Monsterlingz (e-bok) av Sarah Holmlund
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Rea 29 kr
Meet The Monsterlingz - they are colourful, diverse, and each of them has something interesting to show your child. A short rhyme accompanies each monsterling, and be best read aloud for a child. But you will probably not get the chance to finish the story, as each page is full of great things to discover. Besides the story being funny, it is a quick read, too, as there are only 15 pages. This is the first book in the rhyming monster book series about the Monsterlingz family and their family...
E-Bok 29 kr Rea

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Författare Sarah Holmlund (författare), Sarah Holmlund (illustratör)
Förlag Bokmonster
Utgiven 2 November 2016
Genrer 3-6 År, Barnböcker
Del i serie 1
Språk English
Format epub
Kopieringsskydd Vattenmärkt
ISBN 9789187575167
Meet The Monsterlingz - they are colourful, diverse, and each of them has something interesting to show your child. A short rhyme accompanies each monsterling, and be best read aloud for a child. But you will probably not get the chance to finish the story, as each page is full of great things to discover. Besides the story being funny, it is a quick read, too, as there are only 15 pages. This is the first book in the rhyming monster book series about the Monsterlingz family and their family members. The book contains colorful and entertaining illustrations. If you have a child who is between 3 and 6 years old, you should treat yourself and your child to the adventure inside this picture book. It's the perfect illustrated children's book for kids that love monsters and rhymes!