Learn your ABC's and learn to count - 2-Book Bu
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Sarah Holmlund (författare)

Learn your ABC's and learn to count - 2-Book Bundle e-bok

Rea 35 kr Tidigare pris 39 kr
Monster ABCs - An alphabet book from A to Z and Count monsters! A Counting Book from 1 to 10! In this two-book bundle you can teach your child the alphabet and to count. The book presents all the letters, from A to Z, with colorful, entertaining images that will capture your child's interest. The book also teaches the numbers one to ten through rhymes and charming characters. This book: - contains entertaining, colorful pictures - has a unique illustration for each number and letter - has ...
E-Bok 35 kr Rea 39 kr Tidigare pris

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Författare Sarah Holmlund (författare), Sarah Holmlund (illustratör)
Förlag Bokmonster
Utgiven 16 Februari 2017
Genrer 3-6 År, Barnböcker
Språk English
Format epub
Kopieringsskydd Vattenmärkt
ISBN 9789187575310
Monster ABCs - An alphabet book from A to Z and Count monsters! A Counting Book from 1 to 10! In this two-book bundle you can teach your child the alphabet and to count. The book presents all the letters, from A to Z, with colorful, entertaining images that will capture your child's interest. The book also teaches the numbers one to ten through rhymes and charming characters. This book: - contains entertaining, colorful pictures - has a unique illustration for each number and letter - has simple rhyming text that helps to engage your child and sustain their interest - is easy to understand and to follow along - is quick and easy to read This book is a great learning tool to use, while making counting and learning the alphabet fun. Suitable for children 3-6 years old.