It Can't Happen Here (e-bok) av Sinclair Lewis
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Sinclair Lewis (författare)

It Can't Happen Here e-bok

Pris 95 kr
It Can't Happen Here is the seminal book on the rise of fascism in the USA. Written during the Great Depression, the novel predicts with eerie accuracy how an American president can turn against democracy itself. Sinclair Lewis was a master of biting satire who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1930.
E-Bok 95 kr Pris

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Författare Sinclair Lewis (författare)
Förlag Oppian
Utgiven 7 Juni 2022
Genrer Romaner, Skönlitteratur
Språk English
Format epub
Kopieringsskydd Vattenmärkt
ISBN 9789518777956
It Can't Happen Here is the seminal book on the rise of fascism in the USA. Written during the Great Depression, the novel predicts with eerie accuracy how an American president can turn against democracy itself. Sinclair Lewis was a master of biting satire who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1930.