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Human Connection at Work e-bok
239 kr
Stay human and be professional?
Nowadays people expect to be treated well when they go to the dentist, the supermarket or when they are connecting with their IT-support. If they are not they might turn to someone else the next time they need that service or product. Being professional and staying human might be the biggest competitive advantage of our time. It is said that the cost of attracting a new customer is six times the cost of keeping an old one.
This book clarifies how you can be pro...
239 kr
How to use the principles of Nonviolent Communication in a professional way
Friare Liv
6 Juli 2018
185 sidor
Psykologi Och Pedagogik, Fackböcker
Stay human and be professional?
Nowadays people expect to be treated well when they go to the dentist, the supermarket or when they are connecting with their IT-support. If they are not they might turn to someone else the next time they need that service or product. Being professional and staying human might be the biggest competitive advantage of our time. It is said that the cost of attracting a new customer is six times the cost of keeping an old one.
This book clarifies how you can be professional and human at the same time. Actually the author claims that it is only when you are truly human that you can be professional.
What you can expect from this book:
• Help on how to say “no” and still keep your customers or guests.
• Tools to connect to people in a human and professional way. (Guests,
customers and co-workers).
• Communication tools for many different kinds of situations.
• Support in dealing with ”difficult people” or challenging dilemmas.
• Plenty of useful ideas that can be implemented directly.
• Ideas on how Email (and other written media) and phone calls can be
used, (and when not to use them), to enhance connection.
• How to create trust or build more of it.
• A great companion in making a workplace (or work in some other
kind of organization) more fun, efficient and meaningful.
The author has been a coach, mediator and trainer in leadership development and conflict management since 1992. She has worked in all parts of the world and has written 20 books, many of them published in different languages. Her biggest source of inspiration is Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
Liv Larsson är tränare i Nonviolent Communication (NVC) certifierad av CNVC. Hon är utbildad bland annat av Marshall Rosenberg, upphovsmannen till NVC och medlar i skolor, familjer och organisationer samt utbildar i medling och konflikthantering.
Sedan 1992 har hon lett utbildningar i NVC, ledarskap, medling och personlig utveckling i Sverige, Europa, Asien och andra delar av världen till skilda grupper som chefer, fredsarbetare, barnhemspersonal, medlare, teatergrupper, läkare, lärare och många fler.
Hon har de senaste åren specialiserat sig på utbildningar i ilska, skuld och skam samt i medling.
Tidigare publicerade böcker är Nonviolent Communication i praktiken, Skapa möten och kontakt genom medling, Led som du lär, samt för barn Lilla Känsloboken och Sagan om Draken som inte kunde spruta eld.
Flera av titlarna är översatta till andra språk.
Hon har också översatt flera av Marshall Rosenbergs böcker till svenska. De ges ut på Friare Liv Konsult som hon startade 1992.