Basic concepts with monsters: Book 1 - 4 (e-bok
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Sarah Holmlund (författare)

Basic concepts with monsters: Book 1 - 4 (Basic concepts with monsters) e-bok

Rea 39 kr Tidigare pris 45 kr
Do you want to teach your child basic concepts? Then this is the perfect book! This collection includes the first four books from the Basic concepts with monsters series. Tag along with the monsters and learn about numbers, colors, feelings and opposites. Suitable for children age 1 to 4. This book will: - Teach your child the numbers 1 to 10 - Teach your child some of the most common colors - Teach your child some of the most common feelings - Teach your child some of the most common opposi...
E-Bok 39 kr Rea 45 kr Tidigare pris

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Författare Sarah Holmlund (författare), Sarah Holmlund (illustratör)
Förlag Bokmonster
Utgiven 30 Januari 2017
Genrer 0-3 År, 3-6 År, Barnböcker
Språk English
Format epub
Kopieringsskydd Vattenmärkt
ISBN 9789187575266
Do you want to teach your child basic concepts? Then this is the perfect book! This collection includes the first four books from the Basic concepts with monsters series. Tag along with the monsters and learn about numbers, colors, feelings and opposites. Suitable for children age 1 to 4. This book will: - Teach your child the numbers 1 to 10 - Teach your child some of the most common colors - Teach your child some of the most common feelings - Teach your child some of the most common opposites - Capture your child's interest with charming monster illustrations - Introduce your child to the joy of reading